Saturday, December 11, 2010

I'm a Hypocrite

I've had an epiphany: The typical Christian that regularly reads the Bible and studies the Word and it's meaning has a very different point of view from the person, while I'm quite sure is very well meaning and caring of others, who simply doesn't follow the Word of God. This isn't a liberal vs conservative point of view, because I know wonderful Christians who fall on both sides of the fence on that. I discussed the concept of Politics and Jesus in an earlier post, if you want to know my view on that it's right there for you.

No, what I'm talking about is the hypocrisy found in the church. Does anyone believe that there aren't hypocrites in the church? If you think there aren't, and don't want to know, stop reading now.

So, assuming a person has become a Christian, has opened their heart to His love and seeks his guidance, one would expect a radical change in that person, right? Well, we have a saying, "Jesus takes you right where you are." All your bad habits, all your hang-ups, all your damage. When He enters your heart, it's all there. As an example, pornography. It's a touch subject for some people. I know one person who is completely secular, has nearly stopped speaking to me at all because I'm Christian and I think it makes her squirm just a little. But she has stated straight up that she does not believe in pornography. Obviously this is not for religious reasons but a moral standard she has developed on her own. On the other hand, I know at least a few Christians who have confessed a personal issue with it. In some cases they know its wrong, in others they are justifying it still. I myself have had my challenges with graven images (or is that craven images?). I do pretty good with it most of the time, but it's a weakness in me that I haven't fully given up to God.

Those that know me as a Christian who also may receive the occasional questionably racy email from me may consider me a hypocrite. I've been working on it. Still something I need to give up to God, but I'm a work in progress. Other things that Christians may have an issue with is drinking (uh, yup, that's me), gossip, pride, snubbing others, riotousness (I've had that one), drugs be they prescription or street (had that one before too), theft, adultery, tax cheats, abusers. What I'm saying here is that the average Christian has all the same problems coming at and from them that anybody else does.

So what does the outside world think when they see this? They think we should be all good all the time, loving everyone and everything. Professing that Jesus is our savior and that He heals all wounds and then walking around acting like everyone else just doesn't jive. Shouldn't we be better than that? Well, yes we should, and the person that has walked in the Word for many years may even be better than that. I can attest that I am a much better person now than I was 6 months ago. But the bar wasn't set very high to begin with. I still have a long way to go before I even reach the point that I could take a leadership role in my church, at least in my estimation. My house is far from in order. In spite of my many changes I still have many flaws that rear their ugly heads, and the people that know me who are not Christian are watching for those flaws. Not actively, and not maliciously. But when the pop up, they say things like, "I thought Cameron was supposed to be some uberChristian or something, why is he doing _____?" It's been said, and will be said again, I'm sure.

I enjoy a good debate. A civilized debate over a topic with a logical, intelligent person of differing views is mentally stimulating, challenging, and I find it highly enjoyable. I rarely back down from my point of view and have little issue continuing them for days if necessary. Inevitably, my religion will come out, whether by me or the other person who knows I'm a Christian and tries to use my faith against me. I welcome this because I am not ashamed of Jesus and I know He is right. So if I am using His words I know I'm doing just fine. Often, after some back and forth of this kind, they will pull the Christian Hypocrite card out. I'm not sure if they're trying to throw me off balance or not but they usually say something like, "Cameron, I have found Christians to be some of the most intolerant, uncompassionate people I know, all while attending church on Sundays and misconstruing the true message of the Bible to suit their beliefs." Pulled that one straight off a face book post from yesterday during a debate over social services.

Unfortunately, that's the experience many people have in dealing with us damaged, messed up Christians. Yes, there are hypocrites in the church, real hypocrites who go around spouting scripture while not believing a bit of it. But most of us are works in progress. Christ is with us, helping us when we need it and ask for it, but He doesn't force the changes on us, we have to seek them. We were given free will to choose Him or not, and when we do, and we listen, study, learn, and ask Him to, he makes incredible, wonderful changes in us. But we are still children, we have to try to do things on our own, not ask for help. We make mistakes and let our pride get in the way, or we gossip or partake in pornography because we think "I can handle it" or "it's no big deal". That's what they see. Not the 28 days that you were walking with Christ, but the 2 days you weren't. Not the 300 members of the church that volunteer and pay out of their own pockets to go to 3rd world countries to dig a well or build a house, but the one person in the congregation that fell and abused his wife, or the one with adultery issues, or the drunk. They point at those and say, "See! What a bunch of hypocrites!" What they don't realize is that abuser, that adulter, that drunk, they are all loved by Christ just as strongly as all the others and if those people will just hand those issues over to Christ, He will heal them and make them new.

So, if your wondering if you want to be a Christian but don't want to be one of those hypocrites, sorry, odds are you will probably be called one at some point or another. But if you want to hand over your issues to someone that will take them, reshape them into something beautiful, teach you to accept your past because you have such a fantastic future, walk with Jesus. He is by my side, waiting for me to hand over that next thing to get rid of. He is reshaping me into a tool for His use (yes, I said I'm a tool). I still have some sharp edges and rough spots, but we're working on that together. I'm so excited about my future now because I KNOW it's part of an outstanding plan. I've made mistakes, I will make more. If I'm out there doing His work there's a good chance I will be called worse things than hypocrite. I can't wait!


  1. All i can say is to remind you of a verse I read last night. I think it ties in nicely with your blog.

    "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." ~Matthew 5:3~

  2. I most only know you posed, I haven't thought of you as a hypocrite. "I've been working on it." This is what makes a hypocrite into a scary hypocrite claiming they are working on it. Year after year repeatedly braking the same commands and saying "I'm working on it" showing no growth or change in them working on it. I feel pity towards someone who refuses to give their will over to God.
